How to Remove Underarm Hair In Just 2 Minutes (SIMPLE NATURAL REMEDY)

The underarms, is important as same as other parts of our body, and need to be well-cared and also kept clean. In fact, our underarms bring several aesthetical issues such as unwanted hairs, sweating which leaves spot on your clothes and it has unpleasant smell and so on.

Underarm hair will be probably a reason for embarrassment to many individuals especially ladies. We need to shave them every day, or every other day and we only make them grow thicker and faster. It looks like a never-ending cycle. However, shaving isn’t the only solution for your underarm hair
Here we present you an easy and cheap way to remove your underarm hairs with no pain at all.

These soutions contain entirely 100 % natural ingredients full of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants which can make your skin smooth and healthy.

Sadly, many people ignore the fact that skin is our biggest organ which must be protected and cared as same as the brain, heart, liver, kidneys. Furthermore, whatever we apply on our skin will go straight into our bloodstream.


Lemon and Sugar

Women in Asia are actually making use of waxing methods based on sugar for hundreds of years. This method is extremely efficient and simple to utilize as well.

Just mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of sugar and make a paste. Apply the paste on your underarm on the hair growth direction and let it stay for a few minutes. At the end, take it off with a clean cloth. Do the procedure 2 times a week and after each treatment you will see that the hair on your underarms recedes.


Egg And Corn Flour Pack

Mix 1/2 tablespoon of corn flour and 1 egg and mix it till you get a paste. Apply the paste on your armpit and leave it until it dries out. Then wash the area with water.


Milk and Turmeric 

Mix 2 tablespoons of milk and 1 tablespoon of turmeric and make a paste. Apply the paste on your underarms and leave it for a few minutes. At the end, wash the area with warm water.

Source: mrhealthylife


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