Do You Have This Kind Of White Patches? Doctors Discover Treatment For Vitiligo......

Vitiligo is a condition in which white patches develop on the skin. Any location on the body can be affected. Majority of people with this skin issues have white patches on many areas of the body. It is caused by a loss of pigment in the skin, due to destruction of pigment-forming cells known as melanocytes. 

There are various treatments for this conditions, but they’ve all proven to be unpredictable and with not so positive results for everyone, until now

According to a research conducted by the Havana Histotherapy Center in Cuba application of a drug called Melagenina Plus can successfully cure vitiligo. It`s main ingredient is human placenta and it stimulates the production of melanocytes.

Many studies have confirmed that this remedy 86% effective. Its application is harmless and can be used in the treatment of children, pregnant women, as well as elderly people as there are no side effects. There are factors influence its effectiveness, and those are: age, race, percent of body affected, time course of the disease, affected areas, and the correct application of the treatment.

How to apply the remedy?
The treatment performed in 3 stages. Before the patient starts using it, there will be a precise explanation about the way of application the first day, and special medical consultations during the rest of the days as well. In addition, there could be psychological consultations for the patient, if needed.
After the first day, the doctors will teach you how to use the remedy at home on your own.

According to the size and the degree of the affected area, they will choose the proper amount and way of application of the remedy. If the patient sticks to the rules and advices, the vitiligo on their skin will become past.

The second and the third day you will be learning how to use Melagenina Plus. Also the doctors will show you how to continue with the home treatment. They will also show you how to take proper amount of the remedy, according to the degree and extension of the disease on your body. If you follow the instructions that doctors give you and apply the treatment as you should, the vitiligo will be just an unpleasant memory.


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