Have you ever heard about Jen Salter? She became an instant hit on instagram because of her perfectly shaped body and her voluptuous behind. She says that fitness has always been very important for her but she never dreamt it will make her famous. She works hard to stay in shape and she says that she’s thrilled she’s inspired people to start working out and be fit and healthy.

Jen never expected to be in the public spotlight and she says that she just wants to show everyone she’s just an ordinary girl who just really enjoys working out and staying fit. Her message is that if you want to stay fit and have a well-toned body you need to be committed and work out a good sweat to get it.

Here are the best exercises that can help you have Jen’s butt:

Squat Pulse

The squat pulse will do wonders for your rear. It’s quite demanding, so it’s important to endure the exercise to the end.

  • Stand with your legs hip’s width apart, your toes turned outward and your arms straight out in front of you.
  • Squat down keeping your glutes and abs tight. Keep your back straight and your knees in line with your toes.
  • Raise and lower your but as if you are bouncing while maintaining this position.
  • Bounce 15 times before you reverse to starting position. Use dumbbells for a deeper stretch.
  • Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

Donkey Kicks

  • Stand on all fours, your knees hip-width apart, and your hands shoulder-width apart.
  • First, keep your right foot flexed and leg bent, then raise your right leg and push your heel toward the ceiling.
  • Push it until your foot is directly above your butt. Your glutes need to be squeezed.
  • Slowly go back to the starting position and try not to touch your knee to the ground.
  • Do the exercise 15 times and then do it with your other leg

Squat Kick

  • Place your legs wider than hip-width apart and turn your toes slightly out.
  • Put your arms straight in front of you and squat until your butt is below the height of your knees.
  • Your knees must stay behind your toes when you squat.
  • Then, when you reach starting position, lift your left leg as high as you can to the side of you.
  • Place your leg back to the ground.
  • Do the exercise 10 times and then perform it with the other leg.
  • Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions for each leg.

Chair Kicks

  • First grab a chair, you’ll need one for this exercise.
  • Put the chair in front of you.
  • Place your arm behind the chair and grab it.
  • Put your feet together.
  • Lean slightly forward and raise your right leg directly behind you and keep your knee straight.
  • Squeeze your glutes and raise your leg as high as you can and go back to the starting position with control.
  • Repeat the exercise 10 times and then perform it with the other leg.
  • Do 2 sets.

Doggy hydrant

  • This is an amazing exercise that targets your glutes, thighs and abdomen.
  • Take the same position as for the donkey kick, except for opening your leg towards the side until your inner thigh is parallel with the floor.
  • Bring your knee to the starting position but don’t touch the floor.
  • Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions on each leg.

Watch the video:


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