The main cause of toothaches for most children and adults is tooth decay. The oral bacteria that live in our mouth thrive on the sugars and starches found in the food that we eat. These bacteria form a sticky plaque that clings to the surface of the teeth. Here’s some advice on relieving toothache at home.

Garlic to relieve toothache
Garlic is another efficient home remedy for toothache. Mix a crushed garlic clove or some garlic powder with table salt and apply it directly to the painful area. Or, you can chew one or two garlic cloves for best results. Repeat this procedure for a few days.

Salt and Pepper for relieving pain
Salt and pepper have great anti-bacterial properties and they can calm and relieve your toothache. Mix equal portions of regular table salt and pepper to make a glue-like toothpaste. Apply this mixture on the infected tooth and let it act for a couple of minutes.

Oil pulling to get rid of teeth infection
Swish 2 tablespoons of oil for 15-20 minutes in the morning on an empty stomach. The main benefit of oil pulling is that it reduces the amount of harmful bacteria in the mouth, thus lowering the risk of tooth infection. Bad breath and yellow teeth can also be treated like this if you oil pull for a few days in a row.

Cloves are a natural pain reliever
Smash 2 cloves and mix them with olive or any vegetable oil. Then apply this mixture on the painful area. You can also mix clove oil drops in a glass of water and use it as a mouth wash to instantly relieve your pain.

Ginger is a good remedy
Bite some fresh ginger root and let it act for a while.

Salt in warm water for toothache
Put a tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water and mix it. This salt water will reduce swelling and inflammation caused by toothache when used as a mouth wash.

Ice cube pack at home
Crush some ice then put it in a cotton cloth. Hold the cloth, with the ice in it, close to your jaw or cheeks. You can also put a crushed ice cube in your mouth or gargle with icy cold water for a few minutes.

Onion can help
Onions have powerful antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. To relieve the pain, simply chew a raw onion for a few minutes.

Guava leaves 
Chew 2 or 3 guava leaves to relieve toothache. Or, you can put some guava leaves in boiling water with some salt in it. When it cools off, use it as a mouth wash.

Turmeric for cavity pain
Mix a few drops of mustard oil with half a teaspoon of turmeric powder to make a thick paste. Apply this on your cavity and leave it for 15 minutes before you spit it out. To relieve the pain, do this regularly.

Peppermint leaves to get rid of pain
Chew some fresh peppermint leaves with the aching tooth. You can use dried leaves if you can’t find fresh ones.

Tea beg for toothache
Black tea contains tannins which can reduce swelling and give you a temporary relief.

Source: justnaturallife


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