You’ve Been Brushing Your Teeth Wrong Your Entire Life… But Here’s How You Should Be Doing it

Brushing your teeth is such an important part of your daily routine that often times we take it for granted.

The way you were taught to brush your teeth when you were a kid is probably the way you still do it as an adult. However, you might have been taught the wrong way! 
This means, that for all these years, you’ve probably been brushing your teeth

According to some dentists there is a write and a wrong way when it comes to brushing your teeth.
These top 10 tips will ensure you’re always doing it correctly from now on.

1. You aren’t keeping your toothbrush clean
Make sure to clean the brush very well after you’ve finished brushing your teeth. This ensures that as many bacteria as possible are removed from the brush itself.
Think of your toothbrush as a cleaning tool, just like a mop, you wash it
after you’ve used it and the same should apply to your toothbrush.
You wouldn’t use a dirty mop to wash your floors, so you shouldn’t use an
unkempt toothbrush to clean your teeth.

2. You’re brushing your teeth too hard
Often it’s believed that brushing your teeth extra hard will help remove all
the dirt from in between each tooth, but it can actually cause damage.
According to WebMD, brushing too hard wears down enamel and tears your gums,
so avoid doing this.

3. You’re brushing your teeth too lightly
And on the flip side of brushing too hard, some people only lightly touch
their teeth with the toothbrush, which is not enough to keep them clean.
If you can still see plaque or any gunk after, you haven’t brushed thoroughly


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