How to determine the health of your kidneys, hormones and liver by looking at your face

The skin is the largest organ of the body. And, the experts say that clear skin shows that your health is in a good condition, and a fresh and glowing face signify the health of the entire body. Face Mapping is based on the ancient philosophies of Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda and links changes in our skin with our internal environment. This helps us to diagnose the root cause of our skin issues and red flag any other health issues that may need a bit more love and attention. Well, this means that skin problems are a clear sign that you suffer from some kind of health problem.

The face mapping actually indicates a real insight of the overall health. This is how to so recognize the signs of your face and address other internal issues:

1. Area: Forehead
Related to: Liver, gallbladder

Explanation: The experts say that this part of the face is related and linked with the function of the nervous system and the digestion process as well. Thus, your skin issues may be a result of stress and a sluggish digestive system.

Treatment: how to protect yourself – well,  you should avoid fatty, sugary, and processed foods and eat lots of fruits rich in fiber and vegetables in order to stimulate digestion. And, it’s highly recommended for you to try some stress-management methods, like yoga, visualization, meditation, exercise, music. You can also treat this issues and cleanse your liver by drinking some dandelion tea or fresh lemon juice in warm water.

2. Area: The left side of the area between your eyebrows
Related to: this part is linked with stored emotions in the spleen

Explanation: The lines in this area will show that you have some unexpressed emotions which have, in turn, been stored in the spleen.

Treatment:  You should try some techniques to release the old, stagnant emotional energy, like breath work, guided meditation, yoga, reiki, or counseling.


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