8 Dream Symbols You Should Absolutely Never Ignore

Throughout the centuries, people have always been fascinated by dreams and what they mean. At the end of the 19th century, the psychotherapist Carl Jung realized that looking into dreams is opening a door into consciousness and the spirit world.  Nonetheless, there is science behind what occurs while we sleep.

Also a research team of scientists at the ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratory in Kyoto, Japan, explored brain scans while identifying the visual imagery of dreams.
Their conclusion was that people actually watch their dreams in the same way that they watch the waking world. In order to analyse the dreams, people should study how they participate in the daily activities.

For that purpose, never ignore these 8 things regarding your dreams:

People who often dream flying, you probably have a need to reach ambition. Where are you headed? How are you getting there? Do you have trouble navigating through life? When you wake up from a dream where you were flying, you are somehow recharged and you feel free and able to accomplish anything you want.

Dreaming water portrays the emotional state and it symbolizes cleansing and purity. Waterfalls, in particular, are a great omen and they stand for new beginnings.

Dreams with teeth are normal and not all teeth-related dreams stand for aging. If you are pulling out a tooth in your dream, it could mean that something needs to come out, whereas dreaming a rotten tooth symbolizes fear and anxiety. Falling teeth are usually associated with new situations causing you stress like a new job, fear of loss, lack of power in a relationship, lies, etc.


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