Hiccups, also known as SDF (Synchronous Diaphragmatic Flutter) or singultus in medical terms, are the non-voluntary contractions of the diaphragm. Hiccups may be very irritating, and there is no specific reason for their occurrence. The contraction is followed by a sudden closure of the vocal cords, resulting in a distinctive sound.
The most common reasons are:
- Overeating or eating too quickly
- Excitement or emotional stress
- Consumption of carbonated beverages
- Eating dry or spicy foods
- A temperature change in the stomach – drinking cold after a hot beverage
- Drinking too much alcohol
- Highly laughing
The hiccups usually disappears within a few minutes. Only in few cases it is a sign of a more serius health conditions. Continuous hiccups lasting for more than a day or two may indicate a cause of an underlying disease, which needs medical intervention.
There are many different ways that you can stop the normal hiccups. Some of them may seem funny, but they are worth giving a chance.
Hold the Breathe
Breathe in deeply and hold for about 10 seconds. Then slowly let it out. This remedy will help get rid of hiccups in some time. Repeat the procedure for about 3-4 times.
Drink Water
While hiccuping, the vagus nerves are either damaged or stop functioning well. So, to properly stimulate them, the best remedy is to drink water with the help of a straw. Plug both of your ears with your hands while drinking water.
Have a teaspoon of honey
Put 1 teaspoon of honey, stirred in warm water, on the back of your tongue, and swallow it. Like dill, honey could potentially tickle the vagus nerve to make the hiccups stop. Bonus: Honey is also a known infection fighter and cough soother.
Breathe into a paper bag.
Breathe slowly and deeply into a small paper bag. (Stop if you feel light-headed.) This increases the carbon dioxide level in the blood and makes the diaphragm contract deeper to bring in more oxygen, which may stop the hiccup spasms.
If you don’t have a paper bag cover your nose and mouth with your hands and breathe that way.
Pulling the Tongue Out.
Pulling the tongue out is one remedy that always works for curing hiccups. Pull your tongue out for 5 seconds and hold it with your fingers. The hiccups will go after some time.
Gargle with Chilled and Warm Water Alternatively
Gargling with warm and chilled water increases the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, which, in turn, makes changes in the diaphragm to treat hiccups.
Breathe with Closed
Close your ear canals with fingers and inhale and exhale slowly. First inhale, and then put your tongue out so as to exhale as much as you can. Repeat the process in some time gaps if the problem persists.
Bite a slice of lemon or go and have a little sip of vinegar.
The acidly flavour can also disrupt the esophagus, which puts an end to your hiccupping situation. Drink half a teaspoon of either vinegar or lemon juice every 10 seconds until the hiccups go away. Yes, this does sound rather unpleasant, but it works.
Bring your knees to your chest
Lift the knees in the direction of your chest and push them against the chest as much as you can.
Get scared [Not recommended if you have heart problems]
Having someone surprise you can overwhelm the vagus nerve and stop hiccups.
Take magnesium! This mineral tends to decrease irritation and quiet the nerves.
Have some peanut butter! Eat a Little Peanut Butter - This delicious remedy involves a large tablespoon of peanut butter. The slow digestion process of the peanut butter disrupts your swallowing and breathing patterns, which eliminates the hiccups. Besides, what other excuse do you need to eat a spoonful of peanut butter!
Chew up some dill!
Slowly chew a teaspoon of dill seeds. Swallowing the seeds stimulates the vagus nerve and this puts an end to hiccups.
Take a spoonful of sugar and hold it in the mouth for 5-10 minutes. Then gulp it down without chewing it. Take a sip of water afterwards.
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