Did You Know You Can Take Your Blood Pressure Using a Tape Measure and a Ring? This Is How…

Many people have to monitor their blood pressure on a regular daily basis. You can be anywhere and your blood pressure can suddenly drop or rise. But, this doesn’t mean that you have to take your blood pressure monitor everywhere you go. Also, it doesn’t mean you have to run to your doctor’s any time you feel your blood pressure is changing.

We recommend an old Chinese technique of taking blood pressure that can help you check your blood pressure any time any place. You will need three things – a wedding ring, some thread and tape measure.

Whenever you feel like your blood pressure is rising, just follow the instructions below and take your blood pressure wherever you are.

Begin by laying the tape measure on any arm from your wrist upwards. 
Place the piece of thread through the ring. 

When you begin moving the ring slowly alongside the tape measure, the ring will first react to your diastolic, and then to your systolic pressure.

 Check the video below for detailed instructions


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