10 Health Checks Every Woman Should Perform, How Often and Why!

Feeling fine right now? Even if you feel healthy you should visit your doctor. The old saying goes: “Better safe than sorry”! Guided by this idea, all women should undergo certain medical examinations that may help to detect and prevent health problems in their early stages.

These are the top 10:

General Medical Examination

General Medical examination is very important. Do this once a year in order to know your physical and mental condition. This annual general health check should serve to make sure that you lead a healthy lifestyle.

Both men and women should have their check up at least every five years staring at about age 20 in order to determine the level of the total, the bad and good cholesterol and triglycerides.

Dental Check-up
Good dental health is important. A regular checkups every six months will help in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Also, this is very important as it can help to detect early signs of health problem, such as tooth decay, gum disease and oral cancer.

Eyes Examination
If you have vision problems, have an eye exam every two years before you reach sixty years. After their sixties, eye examination is recommended for women who do not experience any specific problems.

Dermatological Examination
Women should examine their skin by a doctor or dermatologist once a year to avoid common type of skin cancer.


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