Natural Ways to Destroy Moles, Warts, Blackheads, Skin Tags and Age Spots Permanently!

Moles, warts, blackheads, skin tags and age spots are just few of the skin disorders that affect individuals.  Although there are many kinds of skin and beauty products but they can be very expensive. Fortunately, is that there are natural remedies that can help you to eliminate all your skin problems and make your skin soft and smooth.

These are the 9 most efficient home remedies to help you remove moles, as well as other skin issues, like skin tags, warts, age spots and blackheads:

1. Castor Oil and baking soda

Prepare a mixture of castor oil and baking soda and apply the paste on the mole, then cover the area with a bandage and leave it work overnight. The next morning, remove the bandage and rinse the area. Repeat the procedure every night.

2. Aloe Vera
You should put some fresh aloe Vera gel on the mole. Then, secure it with a cotton bandage, and leave it thus for 3-4 hours in order to provide enough time for the absorption of the gel. For a month, you should repeat this procedure twice or three times daily.

3. Garlic
Garlic is one of the best effective natural remedies for moles because it contains enzymes that break down the clusters of the cells that produce pigment. Also, it successfully lightens the dark pigmentation.

Crushed fresh garlic clove, and place a piece on the mole. Next, secure it with a bandage and leave it thus to act for several hours, or during the night.

Repeat this on a daily basis for several days, and you will notice the mole fall off naturally afterwards. In most cases, this happens after the fifth day of application. Yet, note that garlic may cause redness or irritate the skin when applied.

4. Onion Juice
Onion is a great natural remedy for removing dark spots because it has a strong acidic property. Using a cotton swab, apply some onion juice on the mole, and leave it to act for half an hour. Then, rinse and repeat 2-3 times daily for three weeks.

You can also mix apple cider vinegar and onion juice in equal amounts, apply the mixture on the affected area, and leave it to act for 30 minutes. Apply once a day for at least 4 weeks.

5. Flaxseed Oil
Raised moles can be effectively eliminated with the use of flaxseed oil, as it softens and loosens them on the edges, and they are afterwards easily removed.

Mix some flaxseed oil, honey, and finely ground flax seeds to make a paste, and apply it on the affected area and leave it for at least 1 hour. Follow this procedure 3 times a day for several weeks.

6. Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit seed extracts are high in flavonoids and vitamin E, so it efficiently removes moles and other skin issues. You should apply a drop of the extract on the affected area and secure it with gauze or a bandage. Leave it to act for several hours, and repeat the method 2-3 times during the day, for a month.

Moreover, the grapefruit seed extract can also be mixed with avocado oil, in a 1:10 ration. Apply the mixture on the moles and allow it to act for 15 minutes. Repeat on a daily basis until your moles are completely gone.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is an extremely popular and effective natural remedy. Moles can be effectively treated with this ingredient due to the acid content, since it scabs them and helps to easily fall off.

You should apply a cotton ball soaked in an apple cider vinegar on the affected area. Cover the area with a bandage and leave it until the next morning. Repeat this method every day for around 10 days.
Note: Apple cider vinegar may worsen the mole at the beginning, but after a few days, it will successfully treat it and eventually eliminate it, and it most cases, it won’t leave a scar. However, in the opposite case, you should use coconut oil to treat scars.

8. Frankincense essential oil
Naturally astringent, this essential oil will effectively dry the mole up and remove it gradually, one layer at a time. You should combine it with olive oil, in 1:8 ratio.

Then, apply the combination on the affected are and leave it to act for several hours.  Repeat 2-3 times daily, for several weeks. In order to prevent scars, it is advisable that you continue the treatment a few days after the mole has been removed. However, if this treatment irritates your skin, you should not do it.

9. Pineapple Juice
The fresh pineapple juice can help you make moles less visible, by lightening them.  You should apply a cotton ball soaked in pineapple juice and apply it on the mole. Leave it on overnight or until juice dries. Do this several times a day for a few weeks or until your mole fades
Use fresh pineapple juice for best results.

Moreover, if a treatment with some of these natural remedies aggravates the condition, you should immediately stop using it.


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