15 Amazing Health Benefits of Rambutan

Rambutan (scientifically termed as ‘Nephelium Lappaceumis’) is a fruit that definitely features in the list of ‘Most Exotic fruits of Our Planet’. It’s a fruit not a lot of people know about. However, some experts call it ‘super fruit’ because of the many benefits its ingestion has. This fruit resembles lychees in the way it looks- it is red colored on the outside while its inside it white, it is oval in shape and is generally one to two inches in length. Moreover, like lychees, it is also found in bunches with stems sticking out of them. 

Even though this fruit is said to be originated in Indonesia and is now widely found in Philippines, Australia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Ecuador and America. In India, Rambutan fruit is available mostly in the southern states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala.  

The name rambutan comes from an Indonesian name “rambut” which means hair. Rambutan tree belongs to a group of tropical trees that bear fruits like the lychee, mamoncillo and longan.

Rambutans are small, red colored fruits with spiky hair on the skin. They have sweet, juicy flesh that is slightly acidic and small brown colored seeds whose oil is used in a number of industries. Rambutans are available in two colours, red and yellow.

Here are some health benefits of Rambutan you probably didn’t know before.

Great source of iron
This fruits are excellent source iron which is not only beneficial, but essential for the human body to function. Iron present in the hemoglobin is used by the human body to carry oxygen from the lungs to the different tissues. Iron deficiency can cause illnesses like anemia which leads to severe fatigue and dizziness.

Improves sperm quality
Rambutan fruit is rich in vitamin C which is very important for sperm development. The possible lack of vitamin C in males can result in restricted ability in fruitful reproduction. This condition can be improved by a remedy which requires the person to up their Vitamin C by about 500 mg for around a month. This has been known to enhance both the quality and quantity of sperm in many cases.

Decreases unwanted fat
Rambutans are highly effective in lessening the body fat content of the human body.  This is because the fruit is high in fiber content (2 g per 100 g of fruit) and, at the same, low on calories. Moreover, it has high water content. Due to this, it decreased hunger episodes significantly. The seeds also help in weight reduction. In order to ingest rambutan seeds, it is advised to crush them and take them mixed with other foodstuff. Alternatively, they can be consumed raw as well.


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