Here’s What Happens When You Tap These Points On Your Body

Tapping is an Emotional Freedom Technique which includes using of your fingers to tap. If you tap specific points on your body, you can ease pain, relieve stress, and even lose some weight. 

This is an easy, self-helping technique which you can do almost anywhere in moments of anxiety or minor pain.

The science behind this tapping technique is twofold. The one is that you are doing acupressure on your body and the other is that you are using a technique of self-help psychology to express your problems.

10 Steps for Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

1. State the problem and then tap your hand
Firmly state what is causing you stress.  For instance, if you are worried about your exam for tomorrow you can simply say: “Although I`m stressed out about my exam tomorrow, I love and accept myself” 
While you are saying this, use the fingers of one hand to tap the outer fleshy edge of the other hand below the pinky finger. You can use as many fingers for tapping as you find comfortable. Repeat the statement aloud three times while tapping.

2. Tap your eyebrows
Tap the part on the inner edge of your eyebrow where the hair starts to grow. Either side of the head is fine. As you tap on, state what is bothering you and how you feel about it. Spend 10 seconds tapping each of the next several body points.

3. Tap the outer eye
Place your fingers below your outer eyebrow hair on the outer corner of eye. While doing this which can be on either eye, say your feelings, like “I’m worried since I might forget something for the wedding preparation.” 

4. The bones under the eyes
Tap your fingers onto this area and state what is bothering you for 10 seconds.

5. Tap the point under the nose
While tapping the point below your nose and above your lips, do not forget to state some feelings and emotions that burden you.

6. Tap your chin
Tap the point below your bottom lip in the chin crease for ten seconds, and speak loudly about your problems.  For example, “Is it going to be good enough?” Tap for 10 seconds.

7. Tap your collarbone
Tap the collarbone on either side of your body for 10 seconds. This time say another issue that troubles you, like, “I don’t have enough time.” State 

8. Tap under the arm
Tap the area which is two inches down from your armpit and express that you are feeling, like: “I’m” so worried.”

9. Tap your head‘s crown
Tap your head crown using the fingers and state the reasons for your stressful behavior.

10. Take a deep breath and exhale
Here is a video in which Jessica Ortner, the author of The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss and Body Confidence, explains the basics of tapping your upper body. In her book, she elaborates the link between stress and weight gain, and how this method can help you


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