Why Women in China Don’t Get Breast Cancer

The amazing story of Jane Plant, an eminent professor and an expert of geochemistry and in the same time she is a mother and wife.

Professor Jane Plant was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1987 at the age of 42. At that moment it seemed that her productive life and career were coming to an end. But despite the disease re-occurred even 4 times, Jane didn’t give up! She came up with a revolutionary diet and lifestyle regimen instead. According to her, this program saver her life and it is very promising in terms of saving other women as well.

Jane’s husband is also a famous scientist who was in China at that time. Along with his colleagues, he found the reason why Chinese women don’t get breast cancer. Then, his advised his wife to start using this method in order to combat the debilitating disease.  They now revealed what this amazing method consists of.

Even though this method is considered controversial, every woman should be familiar with it and decide for her own.  Check out the video below in which she talks about her own experience, her battle with cancer, and ultimately her victory. She also explains the Chinese method and the way she used it. Check it out and share with your close ones.

Here is a part of her story:
My friends and colleagues from China have sent letters, cards, as well as some incredible herbal suppositories, so he brought them to me.

These suppositories were intended to treat my breast cancer, and we actually laughed a lot about them, and I even said that it should be considered to be a real miracle if it protects Chinese women from breast cancer.

I kept wondering- why don’t Chinese women develop breast cancer. This made me examine the issue closely. We blended our scientific backgrounds and tried to find a logical explanation. We started investigating scientific data which led us t to the percentage of fats in diets.

Research has found that in the 1980s, fat made up only l4% of calories in the average Chinese diet, by contrast to the Western diet, which included 36% fats. Yet, before I developed this cancer, I ate a low-fat diet, rich in fibers.

Moreover, as a scientist, I am well aware of the fact that in the case of adults. The intake of fat does not raise the risk for breast cancer.

Suddenly, one day, as Peter and I were working together, some of us, I am still not sure who got a brilliant idea: “The Chinese don’t eat dairy produce!”

This was quite a shock, mixed with a great excitement and happiness in the same moment. We just felt we are so close to something big, and like all things were finally absolutely clear. 

I started thinking about my close Chinese friends, who believed milk was for babies only, my colleagues, who always politely declined my offer for the cheese course, and the numerous people who cannot tolerate milk.

I did not know anyone from China who used dairy or cow products to feed their babies. Namely, Chinese people find our preoccupation with milk and dairy rather strange.

In the 1980s, I was entertaining a big Chinese delegation of scientists after the ending of the Cultural Revolution, and following the advice of the Foreign Office, we requested that the caterer provides a
pudding with lots of ice cream. However, as soon as they understood the ingredients of the pudding, the Chinese politely refused it. Of course, we were delighted by the second portion we thus got.

Yet, I found that milk is the root cause of most allergies, and more than 70% of the world’s population cannot digest the milk sugar, lactose. This persuaded nutritionists to believe that it is normal in the case of adults.


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