Are You Diabetic? Find Out In Just 1 Minute With The Five Finger Test- Unbelievable

Prediabetes means that the blood sugar level is higher than normal but not yet high enough to be considered as type 2 diabetes. Without intervention, prediabetes is likely to become type 2 diabetes in 10 years or less. Moreover, prediabetes has the potential to cause heart and circulatory system complications.

Pre diabetes symptoms

  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Increased urination
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Severe thirst
  • Increased appetite
  • Vision problems
  • Sores that heal very slowly or don’t heal at all.

However, there is another way to diagnose pre-diabetes conditions. The following steps are a brief guide that will help you diagnose this condition within 1 minute with the help of your fingers and by answering some simple questions.

Hold up 1 finger if you are a man and don’t hold up any fingers if you are a woman.
Hold up 1 finger if you are older than forty, 2 fingers if you are over fifty, 3 fingers if you are over sixty and none in cases you are under 40 years.
Hold up 1 finger if you think that you are not very physically active and none in case you think that you get enough exercise.

Hold up 1 finger if anybody in your family is dealing with diabetes and don’t hold up any fingers if your family does not have history of diabetes.
Hold up 1 finger if you have hypertension and none if your blood pressure is stable and normal.
Hold up 3 fingers in case you are obese, 2 fingers in case you are overweight, 1 finger if you are just a little bit overweight and none in case you have normal body weight.

If you hold all 5 fingers, then there is a good chance that you have pre diabetes. This type of diagnosis makes use of the factors that most experts believe are linked to an increased risk in diabetes. Although this does not necessarily mean, most experts believe that this is a good way to assess.

Once you’re done with this test, you should determine how many fingers you are holding up. In case there are five or more fingers, then you are probably dealing with prediabetes. 

The self-diagnosis we are promoting here is linked to the factors that contribute to the development of diabetes. If there is a chance that you are pre-diabetic, you should get a blood test to determine how much risk you have of developing diabetes. If it turns out to have a significant risk, try to make some changes in lifestyle that will help to lower blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

Although it is not 100% accurate, many experts suggest that this is a great way to measure the risk of diabetes

Source: neopress


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