These Signs Indicate That Your Body is Acidic. Here is what you Must Do to FIX it Fast!

The acidity of the body refers to the amount of acid in the body fluids. The “alkalinity” of the body refers to the ability of those body fluids to neutralize the acid.

These fluids are essential for enabling the body to function properly, and improve digestion, nutrients transportation and carrying oxygen throughout the body.

The levels of acids must be kept at a specific range to prevent harming the body.
The body’s acidity and alkalinity is measured by a pH scale that goes from 0 to 14. If your body fluids have higher pH levels it means they have more oxygen and are more alkaline. If your body fluids are lower in pH, it means they have less oxygen and more acids. Neutral levels are considered around pH value 7.

These are the optimal pH levels of the body fluids:

  • Saliva pH = 7.0-7.5
  • Blood pH = 7.35-7.45
  • Urine pH = 4.6-8.0

When some of these levels is lower, that means your body is acidic. Many people do not bother to check their pH levels because they are not informed about the acidity enough.

Here is a list of symptoms that indicate body acidity and ways to regulate the alkaline balance as well:

Weight Gain
Whenever the body is not alkalized, the waste product gets trapped inside the organism, which leads to forming excess waste. Furthermore, this produces body acidity, and the organs responsible for flushing toxins (kidneys, colon, skin, and lymph system) are overworked and cannot remove the built up acid from the organism.

So, this acidity gets attached to the fat cells and sticks around by making you gain weight even more.

Weak Bones
Despite the effort of the body to remain alkalized, if there is too much acidity, important minerals are wasted from the organs and tissues to keep the organism active. This ultimately leads to brittle bone structure. One of those minerals withdrawn from the bones is calcium.

Ultimately, this leads to osteopenia or osteoporosis, and if you have it- then you are probably suffering from body acidity.

Dental Problems
Since teeth are actually a bone structure, the same as with the other bones occurs. When the body is acidic, the calcium gets withdrawn from them and the teeth suffer from this mineral’s deficiency.
According to a study published in the International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications in 2015, the tooth enamel can become weaker and more susceptible to damage as a result of high acidity.

This makes the teeth more subjected to mouth bacteria from sweet foods and drinks. Finally this results in cavities and production of lactic acid in the mouth.
This is actually what makes the teeth sensitive to cold or hot foods and drinks. Another symptom that may occur is bleeding gums.

Body acidity makes the body much more susceptible to viruses, fungi, and bacteria. These microorganisms thrive perfectly in an acidic conditions. Usually they build up inside the gums, digestive tract, and other tissues and organs.

This creates weak immunity and exhausts the body. Due to exhaustion, the body makes up for lost energy and loses important nutrients. On larger scale, this harms the enzymes and hormones and causes body irregularities, such as fatigue.


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