People who live in urban areas have a greater risk to acquire lung cancer when compared to those who live in rural areas or high hills and mountains.
Besides smoking, smog, genetics or the working life spent in a mine, one of the reasons why people in certain areas more common acquire lung cancer is believe it or not – the air that they breathe!

In other words, the altitude you live on is really important. By altitude we refer to sea levels. The air in lowlands is a lot thicker, meaning richer in oxygen. This is no way beneficial, but rather dangerous to your body.
It’s just that the oxygen is a very unusual element. Every time we eat, our body uses it to transform food into energy. But, oxidation is a metabolic process which releases many so called free radicals, which are extremely carcinogenic.
These very reactive atoms are capable to make a real chaos into our organism, damage our DNA and in time, mutate our cells – and there’s cancer. Whereas lungs as breathing organs are first affected by oxygen, they are the most susceptible to acquiring cancer.
Although this sounds terrifying it is still a natural process somewhere. Still, if you want to decrease the risk to acquire lung cancer, move to a higher altitude above the sea level. It’s best to move in the mountains because the air is thinner and your lungs not only spread more and work differently, but they also have less dangerous oxygen with which they have to fight.
American scientists have conducted a huge research and calculated that on every 1000 meters of altitude above the sea level, the number of people who acquire lung cancer decreases multiple times.
Source: healthyfoodhouse
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