Have 3 Dates Every Day for 1 Week. What Will Happen To Your Body?

The dates are delightful organic products with many nutrients and we all know this. In any case, it is less realized that this organic product can help lose weight. 

The advantage of the dates is that you bite them sufficiently long and stop cravings. They are considered elixirs of youth and wellbeing and for the most part, they enhance our absorption, stoppage issues and other stomach issues.

The dates is an excellent source of magnesium that lessen inflammation along swelling and pain. The magnesium in them minimizes the artery swelling and the threat for heart problems and swelling issues like Alzheimer’s, arthritis and more. Eat them regularly to drop weight and be satisfied too.

You need the following:

  • 3 dates
  • 3 plums
  • 1 tablespoons flaxseed ground

Put all the ingredients in a blender and mix them well. Consume this before a main meal in 2 weeks daily. Then pause for 2 weeks and repeat the same procedure if needed. Eating this also lessens risk of colon cancer and hemorrhoids.

Due to the fact that dates have fibers, they help in losing weight. However, keep in mind that they are sweet and have a lot of calories. If you add more fiber you will lose more weight, as advised by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition from their edition in 2009.

Always remember: fibers make you feel fuller for a longer period of time!


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