Did You Know That Graviola [Guyabano] Can Kill Malignant Cells Of 12 Different Types Of Cancer?

According to recent studies, the extract of the graviola fruit (also known as guyabano or soursop) can kill the malignant cells of 12 different types of cancer. The studies have found out that the fruit extract can kill the cancer cells of breast, ovarian, cervical, colon, prostate, lung, lymphoma, liver and pancreatic cancer which is a big discovery and could shake up things in cancer treatment. 

A pathologist from the University of Nebraska discovered that this organic product has mind blowing impacts in the treatment of pancreatic cancer, as it drastically lessened the tumorigenicity and changed the digestion system of the pancreatic tumor cells.

Another laboratory study also proved that graviola extract is 10,000 times more powerful in killing colon cancer cells than Adriamycin, a drug that is commonly and widely used in chemotherapy. Compared to chemotherapy the graviola can kill the cancer cells only, without doing harm to the healthy cells.

And how does it work when it comes to cervical cancer? Soursop, or graviola, was proved to be effective and beneficial in treating this type of cancer as well, as reported in this scientific journal.

When it comes to breast cancer, graviola’s effectiveness is undisputable once again, proving it can successfully inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells both in vivo and in vitro studies. 

 According to an extract from the study, “the dietary GFE triggered considerable growth inhibition of MDA-MB-468 cells in vitro and in vivo studies through a mechanism that engages the EGFR/ERK signaling pathway, suggesting that GFE might have a protective impact for women against EGFR- over-expressing BC.”

What about cervical cancer?  Scientific journals report that soursop, or graviola, is extremely beneficial and effective in the treatment of this type of cancer as well.

Not only these, there are more studies on the topic of graviola and its impacts on fighting different types of cancer. It is a fruit that contains powerful anti-cancerous agents known as acetogenins, which are the substances that play the most important role towards numerous varieties of cancer. The acetogenins are pretty powerful inhibitors of NADH oxidase of the cancer cells’ plasma membranes.

Graviola also includes phytochemicals in its content, including Friedelin, Anonaine, Quercetin, Xylopine, Isolaureline, Anomurine, Kaempferol, Annonamine, and Asimilobine, as well as other compounds such as Kaempferol and Annonamine.

Source: riseearth


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