According to New Study, 93% of Colon Cancer is Killed in Only 2 Days After Using Coconut Oil

A radical, alternative treatment for cancer is beginning to gain public attention after several studies have shown that it is able to naturally and effectively inhibit colon cancer.

Coconut oil, for decades has been touted as an effective all natural alternative to pharmaceutical medication and treatment.

Years of traditional medicinal use and anecdotal evidence through the ages to back up it’s efficacy would suggest that we have known about the wonders of this incredible oil for some time, however there has been very little scientific research conducted on it. New research is coming to light recently showing that coconut oil is a potential alternative to typical colon cancer treatment.

In a study conducted by Adelaide University of Australia, researchers found that lauric acid, a saturated fat that is one of the main ingredients of coconut oil, was able to destroy 93% of colon cancer cells that it was tested on over a 48-hour period. 

Coconut oil  is a promising alternative treatment to colon cancer.

Both in vitro (in a petri dish) and in vivo (in rats) studies have been conducted on the efficacy of lauric acid on colon cancer cells, and each one provided equal results.

Coconut oil has benefits that far exceed even it’s cancer-killing properties. 

Multiple clinical studies conducted by the American Nutrition Association have demonstrated how the fats found in coconut oil “can be useful in the curing and prevention of conditions like diabetes, osteoporosis, viral diseases (mononucleosis, hepatitis C, herpes etc.), biliary tract diseases, Chron’s disease, and cancer.”

According to Ty Bollinger, a huge advocate of alternative medicine and host of The Truth About Cancer, food manufacturers have had a large part to play in dumbing down the benefits of the oil.

“In the 1960’s, food manufacturers wanted consumers to buy their margarines and hydrogenated oils,” Bollinger writes. “To do that, they had to ‘discredit’ the products people had always used in their homes to prepare their food.”

Bollinger continues to explain how it was actually coconut oil “replacements” that were causing all of the health problems that companies were accusing coconut oil of causing.

“It is the very goods the food manufacturers had been pushing on their consumers for thirty years,” Bollinger writes. “The trans-fats contained in these ‘fake foods’ were incredibly dangerous to your entire body. High fat, high sugar, and high carb diets were put under the microscope and found guilty.”

Coconut oil’s health properties are often questioned due to it’s high fat content however the type of fat that it is made up of has led most experts to disregard this sentiment, and it’s use as an alternative treatment to cancer is still being studied.

Here's a great video recap on the amazing benefits of coconut oil:

Source: Metaspoon


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