Women, You Need To Know About This Natural Remedy… Admissions of a Woman Who Solved a Big Problem!

This is a story about a woman who discovered a very effective natural remedy for her continuous vaginal infection. To her surprise she found it where she least expected.  

After discovering that she had developed a vaginal infection she went to her doctor for a check-up. As she suspected it was indeed an infection for which the doctor recommend medications and some ointments and creams.

The infection began to withdraw and the woman was relieved thinking it will be the end of it, especially since she wasn’t so thrilled at the thought of having to return to the gynecologist’s clinic.

Unluckily after 1 month or so, the infection reappeared again and the situation got even worse.
The woman decided to try a more natural solution this time and started looking up possible treatment online. In one article she read about a woman with a similar if not worse, problem who said that she found the cure in garlic.

Garlic in the vagina was a bit too invasive at first so she dismissed this possibility and looked further.
A couple of days passed by and the infection was getting worse, nothing was helping. Then she recalled the garlic remedy and decided to give it a try. To her surprise she immediately started feeling better and the symptoms started subsiding. Soon the infection was completely gone, never to return again

Now she recommends this remedy to all women who suffer from vaginal infections and advises them to take a shower right after sexual intercourse to avoid infections in the first place.

Here’s how you can prepare this remedy yourself:
Take a garlic clove, peel it and pull a thread through the center, securing it tightly so that the thread cannot be untied. Insert the clove in your vagina and change it every 8-12 hours.

Repeat the procedure until the infection is completely gone, it may take a few days depending on how severe an infection it is.

Source: healthyfoodteam


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