This Is Why You Need To Stop Drinking Coffee On An Empty Stomach!

Many people prefer to drink coffee in the morning and some of them would prefer to do that first thing after waking up.

You might think drinking coffee first thing in the morning is a good idea. You might even think it’s a great way to get yourself going.

Coffee in the morning on an empty stomach is not a good idea, in fact, it is a terrible idea. Why?

1. Stomach Acid
The stomach contains hydrochloric acid, which, at the right level, helps your body digest food efficiently.

When the stomach is empty, this acid doesn’t really have much to work with, so it can slosh around and cause abdominal distress.

Consistently having too much stomach acid will cause damage to your stomach and digestive tract, leading to conditions like heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome and stomach ulcers.

2. Anxiety
Drinking coffee in the morning on an empty stomach may increase anxiety. Your brain’s ability to properly process serotonin, a happy and calm hormone, may be weakened. When the brain is incapable of processing this hormone properly it causes depression and anxiety.

Throwing a cup of coffee on top of that empty stomach causes even more anxiety by boosting your body’s cortisol and adrenaline levels.

That will leave you feeling jittery, nervous and weak.

3. Dehydration
The experts claim that drinking coffee on an empty stomach increases the amount of fluid your body passes and can result in dehydration.

If you’re like many Americans in the morning, you’ll likely respond to that dehydration by reaching for yet another cup of coffee, making things even worse for yourself.

4. Loss of Appetite
When you drink coffee in the morning before your breakfast you are not willing to eat if after the coffee. This will led to loss of appetite. Coffee has that effect on the body – it’s one of the reasons why coffee is so effective at helping you lose weight.

So when should you drink coffee?
According to a lot of researchers, if you have strong and healthy breakfast, the best time is between 10 a.m until noon. 

Source: davidwolfe


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