Bad breath [halitosis] is usually caused by poor oral hygiene habits. In most cases of persistent bad breath the smell comes from a build-up of germs (bacteria) within the mouth. These are in food debris, in plaque and gum disease, or in a coating on the back of the tongue. Other culprits include dry mouth, respiratory tract infections, systemic diseases such as diabetes, kidney, liver and lung disease and gastrointestinal issues, which may include acid reflux and other stomach digestion problems.
Whatever the reason, bad breath is an unpleasant problem to have, and is also very hard to get rid of. There are numerous commercial toothpastes and mouth-washing products on the market and they all claim to freshen your breath and promise to help, but they are expensive and full of chemicals that can worsen the condition. So, here, we’re going to present you a natural remedy that will help you destroy bad breath once and for all!
Destroy bad breath using this natural remedy!
You will need the following ingredients:
- 2 lemons
- 1 cup of lukewarm water
- Half a spoonful of cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate
- 1 teaspoon of honey
Add the lemon juice along with the cinnamon and the honey in a bottle. (You can also use bicarbonate if you do not have the honey) Then, add 1 cup of warm water and shake everything well. Use 1 or 2 tablespoons of this natural remedy to gargle and spit it after several minutes.
Cinnamon has excellent antibacterial properties which eliminates the bacteria that cause bad breath. Honey possesses antibacterial properties and bicarbonate helps to whiten the teeth. Lemon offers a pleasant aroma and is also perfect to destroy any bacterium that could have stayed in your mouth.
Source: healthexpertgroup
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