Bad Habits That Can Damage Your Kidneys and You Do Them Every Day! You Should Start Avoiding Them Immediately!

The kidneys are one of the most important organs in our bodies – they perform vital functions which is why we must keep them healthy.

They filter about 120-150 quarts of blood and by filtering waste and extra fluid out of the body; they produce 1-2 quarters urine. Kidneys also prevent the buildup of waste in our body, regulate the electrolyte levels and produce hormones that regulate blood pressure.

We must take proper care for our kidneys and protect them from damages.

Here are 8 bad habits that can Damage your Kidneys:

Not Emptying Our Bladder
Retaining the urine in the bladder can seriously affect the kidneys health. It can lead to renal failure or incontinence.

Not Drinking Enough Water
The kidneys need to be hydrated to function properly. When we don’t drink enough water, toxins start accumulating in the blood as there’s not enough fluid to flush them out, resulting in further health problems. The recommended daily amount of water is 12 glasses per day and you should stick to it.

High Salt Consummation
We all know that salt is important for our body, but if we consume it in a high amounts it can damage our kidneys. According to doctors you should consume 5.8 grams of salt per day.

Regular Use of Analgesics
Using medications in big doses can cause serious health problems. It is proven that pharmaceutical drugs have negative effects on our kidneys.

High Protein Diet
A proper dose of protein is great for your health, but consuming too much red meat as well as other proteins can increase the risk of kidney disease. According to a recent study conducted at Harvard, too much protein can kill your kidneys. The by-product of protein digestion is ammonia which can intoxicate your kidneys and decrease their function.

Too much Alcohol consummation
The toxins found in alcohol not only damage the liver, but also your kidneys. According to Kidney Health Australia and American Kidney Fund, one way to avoid kidney disease is to drink alcohol in moderation.

Consuming too much caffeine
Too much caffeine isn’t good for your kidneys either. Caffeine is present in all soft drinks and sodas and affects your kidneys negatively. When we take into consideration the fact that almost everyone drinks at least 2-3 cups of coffee daily, caffeine becomes a serious threat to the kidneys.

Ignoring Common Infections
Ignoring certain infection like colds, colds, flu, coughs, pharyngitis, tonsillitis etc. People suffering from kidney disease typically have a history of not resting when sick. Also, people with kidney disease are more vulnerable to weather changes and infections


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