Baby Girl Hugged Her Twin Sister Who Was Dying: What Followed Shocked The Whole World And Forever Changed Medicine (VIDEO)

After a few weeks, although she was stronger baby, she began to have seizures and crying so hard that she couldn’t breathe.

The twin sisters Kyrie and Brielle Jackson were born 12 weeks before their due date, weighed less than two pounds, are not sufficiently developed, and doctors suspected that would not be able to survive.

Brielle and Kyrie were placed in separate incubators. Kyrie downloaded forces rapidly and gained weight after the arrival, but the twin sister Brielle had a much more difficult time. She screamed and cried a lot, had difficulty breathing, and was blue in the face.

After several weeks, Brielle’s condition was deteriorating. A nurse in the ICU, Gayle, did everything to try to help her. The nurse, Gail was doing everything she could, but she couldn’t help the babies.
Suddenly Gayle got the idea that changed the entire course of medicine – she put Brielle beside her sister.

Although it was against hospital policy, Gayle was trying to save the babies lives in all ways, even it would lost her job.

And then something amazing happened!
Brielle suddenly calmed down and put her hand on her sister, and then the miracle happened. Kyrie’s condition stabilized and was gaining weight every day.

The twins were successfully recovered and now they are healthy twenty years old girls.


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