Kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that are important for the elimination of wastes and helping other important functions in the human body, and if the kidneys have trouble with finishing their function then the whole organism can be damaged.
In order to prevent further complications, all people should be familiar with the most common symptoms of kidney damage.
Cadmium is one of the most common causes of kidney damage. It comes to heavy metal that pollutes the environment through incineration of municipal waste, but also through oil and burned coils.. You can find cadmium in phosphate fertilizers (that are most of the times used for the growth of numerous plants that are consumed by people on a daily basis).
And smokers you should understand that you are inhaling cadmium directly into your lungs!
The most common symptoms of kidney damage are:
1. Dryness, rash, itchy skin
If the renal function is disturbed, the toxins will accumulate in the blood, which will result in skin dryness, rash and persistent itching.
Medical experts explain that these skin problems are important symptoms of a disturbed renal function and that is why you should not ignore them and you should not treat them with creams or ointments. You have to visit your doctor as soon as possible.
2. Swelling in certain parts of the body
If the toxins are not properly eliminated from the body with the help of kidneys, they will start to accumulate in certain body parts like feet, face, legs, arms and ankles.
3. Pain in the lower back pain
If those toxins are not eliminated from the body it can cause pain in the lower back. It will first appear on the one body side but after a while it can affect both sides. It usually starts on the side on which the person sleeps.
4. Urinary disorders
If the urine production is reduced or obstructed, the person can have pale or foamy urine, more urine than normal or frequent need for night urination.
This condition can result in opposite symptoms, including dark urine, difficulties urinating, pressure while urinating, less urine than normal or bloody urine
Source: healthadviceteam
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