Wrap Your Feet In A Few Layers Of Aluminum Foil. 1 Hour Later? Unbelievable . . .

Somewhere in our kitchen drawers or cabinets, we all have a roll of aluminium foil. But did you ever think that we can use it on our body? Instead of whipping out the foil for just cooking, trying using it for any of these incredible health solutions. From kicking the common cold to the curb, to battling insomnia, this magical material is perfect for a ton of troublesome, everyday issues!

It soothes fresh burns
Did you know that you can treat fresh burns with aluminum foil? The doctors have been encouraged by the Wisconsin University to wrap the fresh burns with this foil as this method provides great results. Now you know what do in case you burn yourself. At first, you have to wash the burned body part with cold water and dry it with a soft towel. Then, put a layer (thin) of ointment, sterile gauze over it and wrap it with aluminum foil. Secure it with a bandage. Leave it like that until your pain is gone.

Blast Fatigue Right Now
All over the world, using aluminum foil to get rid of fatigue is an age-old tradition recognized by experts! Consumer Health Digest suggests that you can start to place several aluminum foil strips in the freezer for 2-4 hours.  After that you should apply these strips to your face. This treatment is very useful for your cheeks or eyelids .Than leaves them in place until you feel the muscle totally relax! When you take off the aluminum foil, you can notice that the symptoms of fatigue and insomnia are gone.

Soothe Painful Joints
You can use aluminum foil to treat painful conditions such as arthritis, gout, sciatica and heel pain. In order to get best results of this method, it is recommended to start with wrapping the foil around the most painful part on your body and after that you can use a medical bandage to keep it nice and secure. All you need to do is to leave the wrap in place overnight. You should repeat this for 10-12 successive days and after that to give your body a break of two weeks. If the pain is persistent you can repeat this method (along with the breaks) until it disappears

Phantom Pains, Be Gone
Aluminum foil can be the key to all of your problems in case you are experiencing phantom pains that you just can’t explain or if you’ve recently undergone an amputation surgery. You can easily sooth all these unexplained pains by only wrapping some aluminum foil around the affected area of your body. At the end, secure it with a bandage and as soon as you spot that the pain disappeared, you may remove the aluminum foil.

Get Rid Of A Pesky Cold
You never know when cold and flu might strike, so it is crucial to learn how to combat the symptoms in a natural way. So, one of the ways to combat them is to use aluminum foil. Just wrap the feet in six or seven layers of this foil and wait for about 60 minutes before removing them. Free the feet for two hours and use aluminum foil again. You can do this for three times a day in a period of one week and you should be able to eliminate and prevent the cold.

Source: healthydiet24


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