This Amazing Lemon Trick Will Help You Eliminate Stretch Marks For Good

Stretch marks are a common problems of many people around the world, especially for women after pregnancy. Stretch marks appear when the connective tissue in the dermis (middle layer of skin) gets stretched beyond its normal limits due to rapid expansion or contraction of the skin through a variety of factors, like, abrupt weight gain or weight reduction, use of certain drugs, pregnancy, etc. Stretching results in collagen production getting disrupted and when these weakened collagen fibers fail to align properly fine scars appear under the top layer of the skin.

Lemons juice are the best home remedy for treating stretch marks. It is very effective for lightening the colour of the marks and speeds up the natural fading process. It’s rich in vitamin C, fatty acids and citric acid which help in exfoliation of the dead skin cells and aid the healing and elimination of stretch marks as well as other skin injuries, acne and scars. 

Even though lemons are acidic they have enough moisture to hydrate the skin and are also excellent skin-whitening agents. They contain anti-bacterial properties which relieve skin-related problems.

Just cut a lemon in half and rub the affected skin with it. Squeeze the lemon slightly to release the juice onto the stretch marks, and apply it using a circular motion. Leave it to act for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure two times a day for a month and you’ll notice the stretch marks disappearing completely.

You can also use lemon in a combination with cucumbers (equal amounts lemon juice and cucumber juice), or extra virgin oil as well as mixing a few drops of lemon juice in some honey.


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