Cure the Strep Throat In Just One Day Without Taking Any Antibiotics

Strep throat is a sore throat caused by bacteria known as Streptococcus pyogenes, or group A streptococcus. The symptoms of strep throat are difficulty of swallowing, inflammation and pain in the throat. People of all ages can suffer from strep throat.

However, this health problem is more common among children who are not older than 13.
Luckily, there are natural remedies that are amazingly effective in the treatment of strep throat. These remedies will eliminate the inflammation, attack the Streptococcus bacteria and reduce the pain. Some of the best remedies for strep throat are presented below in this article.

Honey has powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which effectively treat inflammation, infections, and pain. It also quickly fights bacteria, so it will provide an almost instant relief. Just consume honey frequently to see improvements.

Apple cider vinegar
ACV is very effective for this kind of infection. Gargle with a mix of warm water and apple cider vinegar. Remember that the vinegar must be diluted. Use 8oz of warm water and 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. You can also increase the dose and add ¼ cup of the vinegar with 16 oz of water. The remedy will work on your throat after 30 minutes or a bit more.

Vitamin C
Lemons are abundant in vitamin C, which has potent antibacterial qualities, which will treat the infection and soothe the throat pain. Drink tea with honey and lemon to heal your strep throat. 

Cayenne pepper
Mix a teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder with half a cup of coconut or olive oil to treat strep throat. The application of this mixture on the area of the throat will also relax the tensed muscles and treat the infection.

Essential Oils
This oils can provide amazing benefits in the case of strep throat. You can use lemon, grapefruit, lemongrass, thyme, lavender, or cinnamon essential oil. Prepare the following remedy:

For a quick pain relief, mix five drops of one of these essential oils and water. Heat the mixture on the stove. Remove the pot from the stove before it starts boiling. Inhale the steam from the mixture for several minutes. Repeat as many times as needed during the day.


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