Attention: Kangkong Can Kill You Any Moment

Kangkong is indeed a "superfood" containing numerous nutrients and vitamins. Though, it is known as the “poor man’s vegetable”, there is nothing poor about its numerous health benefits.
Filipinos love kangkong. Whether its stir fried, adobo or used in sinigang, it’s considered as one of their favorite vegetable.

A recent study shows that Kangkong or water spinach belongs to a noxious weed.
These group of weeds are harmful and has been designated by an agricultural authority as one that is injurious to agricultural or crops, natural habitats or ecosystems, or humans or livestock.
Most noxious weeds have been introduced into an ecosystem by ignorance, mismanagement, or accident.

Typically they are plants that grow aggressively, multiply quickly without natural controls and display adverse effects through contact or ingestion.

Here are the things you must know about KANGKONG

You must be careful on how you cook and eat it, or you could end up with a case of Fasciolopsiasis. This is a condition which has been caused by the Fasciolopsis buski, a large parasitic intestinal fluke which can be found as larval cysts laid in the water of the plant as well as other vegetables. 

The cyst in humans and pigs releases the fluke and anchors itself to the intestine wall, causing indigestion, abdominal pain, and allergic reactions.

 If the condition is left untreated it can be fatal. For this reason, it is recommended that you fry or boil it prior its consumption.

Source: bookofquotes4u


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