According to your Age How many Hours of Sleep do you Need?

Actually modern world affects our lifestyle specially in our everyday life. It doesn’t mean that modern world is healthy. There were times that we do not have enough time to rest, cook proper food or sleep due to our busy schedules. How many hours of sleep we need? Getting a good night sleep is important but, too few of us actually make those complete sleep. We can’t do anything right without proper goodnight sleep because with complete sleep we can recharge like batteries. It is very important to our health to or body, our mind and to every vital function of our body. Yes, complete sleeping can be more productive and we can finish very easy our tasks without any problems.

All of us need a good night sleep, especially people who suffered from chronic diseases and pain management problems. Actually there are many million-dollar question about how many hours of sleep you need every night, according to your age? Before we answer that for you, it is important to know that everyone is different from others. Because there are times that someone sleeps only for just 4 hours and still can finish his tasks successfully. A recent study has found that a person needs just 6 hours of sleep to function 110%.

How much do you sleep?
An infographic below was presented by The National Institute of Sleep that will show you how much sleep do you really need. And you should remember that this is the total sleep obtained through a period of 24-hours. However, if you take a 30-minute nap, you should know that this counts too. Just take a look at the infographic to find out whether you have enough or less sleep.
Well, let’s show you some useful tips and tricks how to improve your sleep. We highly recommend reading a good book before going to bed. Or you can do these things as well. It will help you sleep much better and wake up refreshed and full of energy.

  • Exercise every day
  • Don’t watch TV 1 hour before going to sleep
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Don’t drink coffee before bedtime
  • Develop a healthy bedtime routine
  • Stay within your schedule
  • Get a nice mattress and a pillow that suits you

These are the most common symptoms of sleep deprivation:

  • You can’t finish your everyday tasks
  • You will gain weight
  • You need caffeine in order to “function properly”
  • You feel sleepy all day

We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank You.


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