If You’ve Ever Woken Up Unable To Move, This Is What’s Happening To You…

Nightmares are something everyone experience at least once in their lifetime: the feeling of being trapped, trying to run away in vain or the sense of impending doom. Some dreams even feel so realistic that you wake up in sweat!

Unfortunately, for some people, a nightmare isn’t the worst of what can happen in their sleep. In fact, sleep paralysis can be an incredibly frightening experience. Sleep paralysis is one of the most horrifying experiences in life, because we feel awake but can’t believe what is happening to us.

What Is Sleep Paralysis?
Sleep paralysis is the feeling of being conscious but unable to move. It occurs when a person passes between stages of wakefulness and sleep, typically as they are falling asleep or as they wake up. 

During these transitions, you may be unable to move or speak for a few seconds up to a few minutes. Some people may also feel pressure or a sense of choking. via WebMD.

Worst of all, these symptoms can be accompanied by hallucinations. Most sufferers report feeling or seeing something moving towards them in the darkness. These can look like monster or simply shadows.

The most frightening thing is that you find yourself unable to move or scream, and sometimes this paralysis is accompanied by the certainty that someone –or something — is in the room.
The truth is, sleep paralysis is a biological event and there is nothing to be worried about.

Why Does The Body Do This?
Dr. Michael J. Breus explains that, during rapid eye movement (REM), the body goes into a state of paralysis known as REM atonia (2).

This is a normal part of the sleep stage, when major muscle groups and most voluntary muscles are paralyzed. One important function of this paralysis may be to protect the body from injury during sleep.

REM is a sleep stage when much active dreaming occurs. Without the paralyzing effects of REM atonia, we might act out physically in response to our dreams.

In certain sleep disorders, including REM Behavior Disorder (3), the normal paralysis of REM sleep doesn’t work as it should, and people act out physically — sometimes aggressively and violently — in sleep. 

It can be caused by the following factors:


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