These 10 superfoods are proven, expert-beloved disease fighters and energy boosters. Add them to your meals and get on the fast track to a super-healthy body.
One lemon contains 100% of your daily intake of vitamin C, which may help increase good “HDL” cholesterol levels alongside the strengthening of bones. It also has citrus flavonoids which helps a lot in inhibiting cancer cells alongside working as anti-inflammatory agents.
Add a slice of lemon into your green tea. Its citrus helps your body to absorb 80% of the antioxidants found in your tea which is very good for your health.
2 Broccoli
One medium stalk of broccoli has more than 100% intake of your daily vitamin K requirements, in addition to that it has more than 200 percent of your recommended daily dosage of vitamin C. And they both are essential in having strong bones. Alongside this, they also help in starving off numerous cancers.
The best way to take full advantage of broccoli is to microwave it. As in boiling or steaming, its power gets reduced to 66% only.
3 Dark Chocolate
One fourth of an ounce daily can reduce blood pressure. It is because of the cocoa powder. Cocoa powder is rich in flavonoids & thus antioxidants which helps reduce the bad LDL cholesterol. And helps with an increase in good HDL cholesterol. But people struggling with obesity must avoid it.
A single dark chocolate bar contains 66 micrograms of cell-building folate which is considered very healthy for your body.
4 Potatoes (Red Potato & Sweet Potato)
A single red potato contains 66 micrograms of cell-building folate-the same amount found in a cup of spinach or broccoli has.
One sweet potato has almost 8 times the amount of immune-boosting & cancer-fighting vitamin A agents than any other food item.
Try to eat potatoes when they are cooler rather than hotter as than you are able to absorb 25% more fat.
5 Salmon
Salmon is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which helps in reducing the depression, heart disease, & cancer. It also helps in improving one’s vision by 25% to 50%. Its daily 3-ounce serving has 50% of your daily needed niacin which helps in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease alongside the memory loss.
Always use a wild salmon. Not a farmed salmon. It is because a wild salmon is 16 times less toxic with respect to PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyl).
6 Walnuts
It contain the most amount of omega-3 fatty acids after fish & in all nuts kind. Eating it helps in the reduction of bad LDL cholesterol levels. To go along with it, it also helps in improving your mood as well as fighting against cancer. Plus, they also help you fight against suns’ UV rays.
Eat it as you are eating a dessert. The antioxidant melatonin found in walnuts, helps to regulate sleep.
7 Avocados
It helps in lowering your bad LDL cholesterol levels by about 22%. One avocado has more than half the fibre and 40 percent of the folate you need daily, which may reduce your risk of heart disease.
You use it up with your daily salads intake. It will help you absorb the key-nutrients like beta-caroten of average salad by 3 to 5 times.
8 Garlic
Garlic acts as body guard for your body. It is a powerful germs and disease fighter and is extremely useful at combating the growth of harmful bacteria like E.coli. It also contain Allicin which works as a potent anti-inflammatory & just like many of the above super-foods, it helps in lowering bad LDL cholesterol levels plus blood pressure.
You should not overcook garlic. The maximum time frame is 10 minutes otherwise it will lose its maximum effectiveness.
9 Spinach
Spinach is the most powerful of all vegetables. It has lutein and zeaxanthin which are considered to be the world’s best immune-boosting antioxidants for our eyes. In addition to that, it is the best vegetable that leadsa strong fight against cancer
You can use spinach as you like. Be it a side dish, a smoothie or a main course. Spinach can work with any one of these. And will make your diet the healthiest.
10 Beans
Eating a serving of legumes (lentils, beans, & peas) four times a week can reduce your risk of heart disease by 22 percent.
That same habit can also reduce breast cancer in women.
Pick beans that are darker in color. Because the darker they are, the most antioxidants they have. Prefer black beans hulls over the white bean hulls as they contain 40 times more antioxidants.
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