Sweating is your body’s way of cooling down and getting rid of some chemicals. It is a natural body process beneficial to human health, excessive sweating is not normal and it can create numerous problems in people’s lives.

Sweating during a workout feels great, but excessive sweating during normal daily activities can cause social anxiety or embarrassment and lead to low self-confidence and low self-esteem. It can also increase the risk of body odor. Here’s how to stop it once and for all.
Apple cider vinegar is the mother of home remedies as it is used for various conditions, including excessive sweating. This vinegar balances the pH level of your body areas like armpits or feet so that bacteria find it difficult to thrive there.
Apple cider vinegar has astringent properties that can help you to control sweating externally. In addition, when apple cider vinegar is taken internally, this vinegar can help you in balancing your body’s pH level. To use apple cider vinegar for reducing excessive sweating.
Here are step by step instructions:
Wash the area of your body that sweats the most. Use a cotton balls to rub some apple cider vinegar onto this area. Then leave it on your skin overnight. In the next morning, you take a shower or bath and apply some talcum powder or deodorant.
Another option is to mix 2 teaspoon of honey with 2 teaspoon of the organic apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Drink this mixture once a day on an empty stomach to combat excessive sweating.
Source: romanticupdates
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