Say Goodbye To Your Kidney Stones With Only Half A Cup Of This Drink

Kidney stone is a solid piece of material that forms in the kidney from substance in the urine. It may be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a pearl, and they can cause serious problems for your kidneys. The kidney stones are made of mineral and acid salts.

These are the most common risk factors and causes: eating too much meat and not enough veggies or inadequate fluid intake and dehydration. You should know that kidney stones form when your urine contains more crystal-forming substances — such as calcium, oxalate and uric acid — than the fluid in your urine can dilute

The standard medical treatment for kidney stones is potassium citrate. A recent study has found that lemons have a unique “ability” – they are loaded with natural citrate. Doctors and medical experts have discovered that lemon juice can be an effective preventative therapy for people who are prone to frequent kidney stones. The experts call this – the Lemonade Therapy.

How does citric acid protect against kidney stones?
Citric acid will prevent stone formation and breaks up small stones that are starting to develop. The more citric acid in your urine, the more protected you are against forming new kidney stones.

Citric acid makes urine less favorable for the stone formation. It prevents small stones from becoming “problem stones” by coating them and preventing other material from attaching and building onto the stones.

Lemons and limes are loaded with citric acid. Pharmacological form of citric acid, prescribed as potassium citrate, are very effective in the treatment of kidney stones. But the treatment may be expensive and require as many as 12 tablets per day.

Boost your kidney health with only half a cup of this amazing drink.
A half-cup (4 ounces) of pure lemon juice daily or 32 ounces of prepared lemonade. This will
provide about the same amount of citric acid as does pharmacological therapy.

Mix 2 ounces lemon juice with 6 ounces water and drink two times per day – once in the morning and once in the evening – to reach the goal of 4 ounces lemon juice per day.


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