Remember: Always Sleep on The Left Side of The Body! Here’s Why?

Many people are not even aware of the fact that the position for sleeping plays an important role in the general health, especially for the digestive system.

The first evidence of this claim dates back to antiquity when monks practiced to lie down after meals to assist digestion.

The Ayurvedic medicine, which is the oldest Oriental medicine, confirms this as well, and it recommends sleeping on the left side of the body.

Here are some reasons why, according to Ayurveda, you should sleep on the left side of the body.

  • Promotes good digestion
  • Contributes to the healthy function of the spleen
  • Improved elimination of harmful substances
  • Facilitate lymphatic drainage
  • Promotes blood flow to the heart
  • Contributing to a freer flow of bile 
  • Helps the heart to send blood down.


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