Get Rid of Blackheads: Effective Mask With Only Two Ingredients!

Hydration and proper face and body care are crucial for your skin. One of the most powerful assistants to fight against fat and bacteria is lemon juice – both in the household and in the preparation of cosmetic products.

It also proved to be an excellent tool in closing the pores of the skin, brightening the skin and combating pimples – especially on hyper pigmented areas after spending long hours in the sun.

Egg white gives you a healthy skin complexion, and here’s how you can prepare this very effective mask that will help you get rid of the blackheads


1 egg white (carefully separate it from the yolk)
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice

Preparation and use:

Stir the egg using a whirl in order to get a smooth mixture. Add in the lemon juice.
Wash your face using warm water to remove any dirt and open the pores.

Apply the mask on your face except the eye area. Make sure you use a brush with natural hair. If you still get some of the mask in your eyes, quickly rinse using warm water.

Leave the mask at least 20-25 minutes

Apply your usual face cream, after the mask is completely peeled, especially useful if based on chamomile.


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