Massage have been long known for its benefits. Here are six reasons why you have to rub it down your body and get the relaxation you deserve.

1. Massage can help ease migraine. If you always suffered by pain brought by migraine. You should consider a massage.

2. Massage can help reduce pain from exercise. Study shows that massage therapy can reduce inflammation of skeletal muscle through exercise.

3. Massage can bring you youthful look. Massage stimulates blood flow, the reason why gentle, rubbing, kneading might keep your face healthy and glowing.

4. A massage can help fight PMS. A massage can make your mood swings disappeared, it relieves bloating, headaches, and other PMS issues.

5. Massage is beneficial for Chronic pain relief. Chronic soft tissue pain such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, disc problems and degenerative joints can find relief after a few massage sessions.

6. Massage can help treat  side effects of cancer. Researchers in Boston found that patients with cancer experience better sleep, less pain and overall quality of living.In 2004, study conducted at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City found that massage theraphy like Swedish light touch and foot massage reduced symptoms like pain, nausea, depression, fatigue and stress in patients suffering from Cancer.

Source: Reader's digest


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