Amazing Health Benefits Of Kamias

Kamias is a small tree, growing 5 to 12 meters high. The sour fruit is a widely known tree that can be found in most house backyards. Its binomial name is averrhoa bilimbi. It is also known by the name as carabola reed, leatherback acid, starfruit bottle, and starfruit iron.

Kamias can offer complex nutrition. It is a natural source of vitamin B and C, iron and many more. 

Here's the amazing health benefits of Kamias:

* Curing

1. Treating Cough
- Prepare a few grains of fennel, 3 grains of kamias, and sugar. Mix all in one container and steamed for several hours.  Use the water for two times drink. Drink it in the morning and evening. Because it's the time when our stomach is empty and it can absorb your body faster.

2. Overcome Diabetes
Just prepare 6 grains of kamias. Then crushed it and mix with a glass of water. Boil the mixture and strain the water after and drink it twice a day for best results.

3. Overcome Acne
- Acid substances of kamias will help woman very much in treating acne just put crushed kamias on the part where your acne is located.

4. Overcome Thrush
- This benefits is only for who have a brave heartbecause the acid substances of kamias is painful to overcome thrush. Just crushed kamias and put in in the affected area.

5. Rheumatism
  -Take a handful of kamias leaves and one grains kamias. Then crushed it until smooth. After that add whiting and mix both of it. After that put in the area of pain for best and fast results take it 2-3 times a day. 

6. Stiff
- Just take one handful of  kamias leaves, one grain of kamias  leaves, one grain of kaimas fruit, 10 grains of cloves, and  last 15 grains peppercorns. Mixed all of that until soften then add vinegar. Put it on the spot of your pain.

7. Treating Toothache
Just crushed it and put on the teeth with pain.

8. Overcome Panu
- In dictionary this disease name is come from java. This disease is caused by a fungus in a skin. Kamias is recommended to overcome panu. We just need shredded kamias and put it on the panu. Do it once a day. Leave it forabout 15 minutes for best results.

Prevention for Kamias:
 * Cough
- Children do not have strong  immune system. That's  why some children are susceptible to get cough. For children better use natural medicine and kamias is recommended. The ways to use this natural medicine is same like its benefits for treating cough stated above.

* Hypertension
- Kamias can handle high blood pressure problem. The way to get kamias benefits  to prevent hypertension is easy. Use 3 grains kamias and 2 glasses of water. Boil both of the mixture and after that put in half glass. Drink it once a day to get it's health benefits to prevent hypertension.


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