Even though we are all aware that wearing clean underwear regularly is very important, using the same pair from yesterday is much easier. In fact, everyone has done this at least once in their lifetime. Nonetheless, this bad habit negatively affects your health and you should avoid it at any cost.

The reason for changing the underwear every day is very clear. The underwear contains bacteria and the humid environment is ideal for them, as they thrive in such conditions. In case you are still hesitant about this, check out the information below which will definitely change your mind!

Unpleasant Odor
If you are not changing your underwear regularly, it is very likely that you are not taking shower every day as well. Even though skipping showering and changing the underwear is acceptable at some instances, you should know that this leads to accumulation of bacteria which cause foul odor. 
Therefore, make sure you avoid your underwear on a regular basis in order to prevent unpleasant odor.

Risk of Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary tract infection [UTI] is one of the most serious issues that a woman can be treated. They burning sensation when urinating is sometimes unbearable anytime bacteria can make their way into the vaginal cavity even in the area of the bladder, which can cause infection.

A urinary tract infection is not a symbol that will become a kidney infection. Changing your panties every day helps lower the risk of these infections.

Infections Triggered by Excess Moisture
Infections are often caused by excessive sweating and moisture of the genital area, and wearing the same underwear for a longer time worsens the condition. Wearing cotton underwear and staying away from lace panties and nylon can help you prevent infections.

Excessive Scratching
Bacteria which develop in the underwear can easily transfer to the skin, which in turn causes irritation and excessive itching on that area. Some people say that when you change your underwear too often it is unhygienic and kills beautiful aromas Nonetheless, there are other problems to consider. The genital areas are prone to excessive bacteria anyway, so why would you want to tempt the waters and encourage the breeding of dangerous spores?

Rashes and Irritation
Scratching an itchy area can cause irritation and ulcers due to the fact that dirty clothing can rub the skin and cause infection. The bumps on the skin which look like a rash seem harmless, but they can turn into open sores over time. 

Given the fact that the genital area has a lot of hair which stops it from getting enough air, the healing process goes very slow. So, why bother with irritation and rashes when you can prevent them by changing your underwear every day.

It has been scientifically shown that daily change of underwear is essential.  If you exercise regularly, you must also change every time you sweat. So if you work daily, you may need to change their underwear twice a day. Besides staying fresh and clean, this allows you to prevent serious issues and infections.

Source: myhealthy365


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