Many people around the world are suffering with skin issues which are difficult to treat. People spend thousands on expensive skin care products, which are not always effective and contain harmful chemicals that can worsen the condition. However, there’s a simple natural solution for all your skin problems. Here’s how to prepare it:

- 20 gr. of yeast
- 2 teaspoons of lemon juice
Preparation and use:
Mix the yeast with the lemon juice (if you do not have lemon, you can also use and grapefruit, then put the cream in a plastic container and put the container in a bowl of warm water, leave it for 2-3 minutes. Afterwards, apply the cream on a clean face and leave it to stay for 20 minutes before washing with warm water. Apply a quality moisturizer in the end.
You will not regret it if you try this mask. However, you should not exaggerate and apply it often because it is enough to use 1 or 2 times a week. In addition to the skin, yeast is ideal for the hair, especially in case of hair loss.
Source: healthyrecipesandideas
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