Are You Experiencing Difficulties In Sleeping? Try This Banana Tea To Have Quality Sleep At Night

Sleep deprivation is a condition of not having enough sleep. It can be either chronic or acute. It adversely affects the brain and cognitive function.

Most of us are having struggles with having quality sleep at night. Among the reasons for sleep deprivation are shift work and demanding jobs. It also include medical problems such as depression, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and many others.

There are various solutions if you are experiencing sleeping difficulties. Some took sleeping pills. But if you want an all-natural treatment, try this banana tea.

Here's how:

- organic banana
- a pot of water
- cinnamon

Boil a pot of water and then cut the ends off of the banana. Peel it and then drop both the banana and the peel in the water and leave them there for at least 10 minutes. After that, use a colander to strain the water and pour it into a mug. Add some cinnamon. Drink it before going to bed.

Just make sure that you are using an organic banana for this tea. The peel should be free from any chemicals and pesticides, since you will be drinking the liquid.

Source: Elitereaders


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