8 Dangerous Diseases You Can Get From KISSING You Must Know

According to a new study, kissing can lead to many diseases as well. Some of these Diseases are quite dangerous. A 10-second kiss can transfer up to 80 million Bacteria. The exchanging of saliva generally causes these diseases.  

Read on to get to know more about them.

This disease is also known as the "kissing disease." It can be spread through saliva and is caused by Epstein-Barr virus or EBV. There is no treatment available for Mononucleosis. Symptoms are very similar to those of the flu and include a fever, sore throat, fatigue, muscle weakness and swollen lymph glands. 

Cold Sores:
There is a very high chance that Cold sores can be transferred through kissing as they are open and even have a fluid present in them. These cold sores generally are present on the upper lip or around it. Cold sores are caused due to the Herpes virus.

Hand, foot and mouth disease:

The hand, foot and mouth disease is mainly caused because of open sores in the mouth. As the name suggests, it is caused on hands, mouth or even feet. This disease can be transferred through kissing. It is also common among children in daycare and preschools.

Strep Throat:
Strep throat is caused by the "strep" bacteria. This bacteria travels through air and can be transferred through kissing or even when a person sneezes.

Periodontitis can be transferred through saliva. Hence, this disease can not only be transferred through kissing, it can also be transferred by sharing toothbrushes or even sharing of food. 

This disease can be spread from one person to another via respiratory secretions. Kissing can lead to Viral Meningitis. Viral Meningitis is less severe than the bacterial one, but it too is harmful. 

Mumps is a viral infections which is harmful as they affect the salivary glands and cause them to swell. It usually spreads via airborne droplets from the nose or throat of an infected person. Mumps can easily be prevented using vaccines.

Influenza is generally transmitted through the air. It can easily be transmitted from person to person with saliva exchange or even sneezing.

Source: ani-viral


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