4 Ancient Japanese Secrets For Staying Sexy And Healthy!

Western health experts agree that there are 3 essential elements you should take into consideration when you attempt to lose weight:

  • Diet makes up 80-90% of your achievement;
  • Workout can help you achieve better results;
  • For optimal weight loss, include weights, cardio, and flexibility in your workout;

Healthy diet, physical activity and water can help you maintain your health at optimal level and stay fit.

However, every culture has its own rules and tips on how to stay healthy.  The Japanese follow 4 essential rules in order to stay healthy. They are the following:

1. Eating like a sumo wrestler will make you look like one
Sumo wrestlers do not consume breakfast, and start off with an intense training right after they jump out of bed. Their lunch is super rich, and it is often followed by a nice nap. Sumo wrestlers eat twice a day, and their meals are huge.

This means that no matter how much you exercise, if you consume food too much, you will gain weight. If you consume junk food or large portions, it will prevail over the work out time. That is why you should follow good sleep patterns, exercise regularly and consume balanced diet.

2. Warmth is everything
The food you eat converts into energy. Fruits and veggies that grow in summer months cool the body, and ease the adjustment to summer temperatures.

Winter foods are packed with calories, and warm up the bodies in cold winter months.
Raw foods are important for your health, but try to eat warmer foods more often. Your diet should be nutritious so the body can get all the nutrients it needs.

3. Avoid Drinking Liquids During Your Meals
Japanese do not drink liquids with their meals, because they believe it has negative effect on their digestion in a bad way. 

Their logic behind this is that liquid cools the body and eliminates its warmth. Some scientists explain that water neutralizes the stomach acid, forcing the body to use more energy to complete the digestion process. Instead of drinking water, you can enter liquid in your body through soups, or fruits and vegetables.

4. Hot baths bring you close to immortality
Hot baths are very beneficial because it improves the circulation of the blood, reduces the stress and relaxes the body. Japanese people claim that hot bath improves digestion, prolongs life and cleanses the skin. The ideal temperature is believed to be 100 to 1040F.

American believe that calories are associated with weight loss and weight gain, so these aspects may seem strange to others.

According to the WHO, people in Japan have the longest life span, so it seems like their aspects are more than awesome.


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