14 Cancer Causing Foods You Should Never Put In Your Mouth Again

The American Institute for Cancer states that “Exploration has demonstrated that most cancers can be avoided. Health experts agree that 60  to 70 percent of tumors are all preventable through as of now accessible data and straightforward changes in eating regimen and way of life.”

Considering that most types of cancer can be prevented, it means that making some changes in our daily diet are essential. This article provides several ways of making those necessary changes in your dietary way of life, in order to keep yourself away from toxins, enhancing your wellbeing and preventing this terrible disease.

People who are struggling with cancer, the key is to eliminate the sugar. Cancer cells advance in sugar and any nourishment that changes over to sugar, for example, grains, pastas, carbs, bread and most organic products. For the individuals who want to maintain wellbeing, having balanced eating routine that incorporates organic products is the best alternative.

Non-organic fruit and vegetables
It’s widely known that non- organic fruits and vegetables are developed with GMO seeds, pesticides and herbicides. All of these foods have negative impact on your health.

Hydrogenated oils
Hydrogenated oils, also known as trans-fats, are in fact, a man-made product.  A recent study, conducted by group of experts at the Harvard School of Public Health, has found that trans fats promote immune system over-activity and inflammation and are linked to heart disease, stroke and diabetes, among other chronic diseases. In addition to being chemically extracted from their source, chemicals are also used to mask the odor and change the taste of the oil.

Processed foods
Processed foods are loaded with nitrates and nitrites, and when you consume these compounds in large amounts, you will increase your risk of stomach and other cancers. You should also know that processed foods are generally full of white flours, sugars, oils, colors, flavorings and other unhealthy ingredients.

Soy protein isolate
Based on the latest statistics about 90-95 % of U. S- grown soybeans, used to create soy protein isolates are genetically altered to withstand herbicides. As stated by the American Dietetic Association, soy protein isolates contain anti-nutrients which can potentially delay or body`s ability to digest food and absorb nutrients.

Cured and Smoked Foods
Do you know what are nitrates and nitrites?  Nitrates and nitrites act as preservatives to prevent food from rotting, they also add color to meats. But, when these 2 compounds are cooked, nitrites and nitrates change into by-products called N-nitroso compounds, such as nitrosamines and nitrosamides. N-nitroso compounds are associated with an increased risk of cancer.

Genetically modified food has become an inseparable part of modern diet. Unfortunately, numerous studies have linked GMOs to different types of cancer. That’s why it’s in your best interest to look for GMO-free labels on foods and try to avoid GMOs as much as possible.


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