What Hiccups, Ringing Ears, Popping Joints And A Whistling Nose Mean For Your Health

Our bodies normally send warning signals about something going on inside. Sometimes, these signals come in form of sounds, like from the stomach, which can be very embarrassing if you’re in a public place.  

However, these bodily sounds are actually really useful, as they may be of great help. After all, these sounds are the means by which our body communicates with us.
In most cases, they are harmless and should not concern you, but if they are persistent, you may need to consult your doctor in order to examine the situation thoroughly.

Ringing in your ears:
Whether you are at a concert or you are listening loud music in your home, you are very likely to hear a faint ringing in your ears. This ringing sound in your ears is a symptom of tinnitus, a condition, mostly caused by some ear damage or infection, or due to the natural process of aging.

Our ears normally send sound waves to the brain which receives the sound waves immediately and interprets them, when you have tinnitus the ear constantly sends faint sound waves to the brain as a result of the damage.

If you experience pain or vertigo then you should consult your doctor as it could be indicative of a form of neurological disease.

Your joints keep popping:

People who stand a lot often experience popping sounds in their joints. A fluid lubricates our joints, preventing the bones from grinding themselves. If the popping of your joints causes stiffness, limited mobility or pain then you are probably experiencing ruptured ligament.
Where the popping turns into grinding then you may be experiencing an early stage of osteoarthritis.

Whistling nose:
The nasal cavity may be blocked with mucus, this is the most common reason for a whistling nose. It could also mean that you have a tear in your cartilage that requires surgery if you have had a trauma to your nose. You will need to see your doctor and surgery may be prescribed.

You have hiccups:
Hiccups are caused by an interruption in our breathing when this happens our diaphragm will start to spasm and hiccups arise. The diaphragm can be controlled by the vagus and phrenic nerves; these can be stimulated by excitement, medications or our stomachs after eating.

When you hold your breath for some time your lungs get filled with more carbon dioxide which relaxes your diaphragm and stops the hiccups. If you have an irritation of your nerves it could make your hiccups last for a period of 48 hours and in this case you will need to see your doctor.

In addition, hiccups could also point out to stroke, and hence you should never disregard it if it’s accompanied with shortness of breath or pain.


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