If You Rub These 2 Points Behind Your Knees, This Is What Happens To Your Body (VIDEO)

Joints and back pain is very common in older people. The market sells numerous commercial products which usually help to treat inflammation and get a pain relief. But, these products are full of chemical compounds which can be harmful to your health and cause side effects. 

Acupressure is an ancient Chinese healing technique. This technique involves the use of your fingers in order to apply pressure over specific body points. This process will boost the natural self-healing abilities of your body and will significantly relieve your pain.

Which acupressure points help relieve stiffness?
Michael Reed on Acupressure.com recommends GB34 and ST36.
According to modern reflexology GB34 “is placed on the side of the leg, right below the knee, slightly in front of the tip of the outer leg bone”. ST36 can be located four finger lengths below the kneecap and one finger width to the outside of the leg. You just need to rub GB34 and ST36 briskly every day.
GB34 helps with relieving nausea, vomiting, sciatic pain, hip pain, and jaundice. ST36 is found critical in toning muscle, helping with digestion, relieving fatigue and alleviating menstrual cramps.

What else can you do in order to relieve stiffness?
Despite acupressure, there are also some other recommendations, like deep sleep in a warm place, rejuvenating your muscles with hot shower and increasing the blood flow.


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