5 Easy Exercises to Tighten Loose Arms

Loose skin in the upper area of the arms is frequent cosmetic problem for many women and men. The skin mostly starts to sag due to physical inactivity or because of aging process. However, you could tighten the skin with the help of the following exercises focused on your triceps muscle.
When the triceps are formed, the sagging skin becomes aligned with the arm muscles and disappears.

Go through the 5 exercises below and see how they work wonders for your flabby arm skin.
5 simple exercises to tighten loose arm skin:

Triceps Dips
Start by gliding your butt off the front of the bench with your legs fully extended in front of your body.Your arms need to be straight and holding on the bench, your hands shoulder-width apart. Make sure the bench is secured enough to support your weight. Lower down your body and bend the elbows at 90 degree angle, while maintaining the back near the bench. As soon as you touch the floor, straighten your arms again and return to starting position. This makes one repetition. While doing the exercise, it’s important to keep your shoulders down. Also, if you find the exercise too difficult at first, bend your legs to modify.

Push up
Get into push-up position on your toes, your hands directly under your shoulders. Your body should be aligned with the head, with your hands under the shoulders. Bend your elbows to lower your body as close to the ground without touching it. Your body should remain straight throughout the exercise. Bend your elbows backwards at about 90 degrees at the bottom position. Your arms should be fully extended when pressed back up.

Triceps dumbbell kickback
Pick up and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Then your palms should be facing your torso, while your back is straight. Bent forward at the waist, bend your knees slightly. Just keep your torso parallel to the floor, and your head up. Your upper arms should be close to your torso and parallel to the floor.  Now as you hold the weights, keep your forearms pointed towards the floor forming a 90-degree angle with your upper arm. This is how you start.

The purpose of this exercise is to hold your upper arms still, while using your triceps to lift the weights until your arms extend fully. You should be focused on moving the forearm.
Well after you finish, make a short break here then inhale and slowly lower the dumbbells in the starting position.

Stand up holding a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart from each other. Lift the dumbbells over your head until both arms extend fully. Make sure your palms are facing up. This is where you should feel the resistance. This is your starting position.

Next step is to lower the resistance in a semicircular motion behind your head until your forearms touch your biceps. You need to keep your upper arms close to your head, your elbows in and perpendicular to the floor. While doing this exercise, move only the forearms and keep the upper arm static. Inhale at this point.

Next, you should use your triceps to raise the dumbbell and go back to starting position and then exhale at this point.

Bent Over Barbell Row
Bend the knees slightly and then face the palms down and hold a barbell. Then bend at the waist to keep your torso forward, just keep the back straight. Make your head is up and your back kept horizontal to the ground. With your arms perpendicular to the floor and your torso, the barbell should hang directly in front of you. You start in this position.

Now, just keep your torso static, exhale and lift the barbell toward you. You should use only your forearms to hold the weight while keeping your elbows close to your body. After that squeeze the back muscles at the top contracted position. Hold for a couple of seconds.
Inhale and slowly lower the barbell to assume the starting position.


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