20 Early Warning Signs That Cancer Is Growing In Your Body

It is important to note any unusual changes that occur in your body, because it may be a symbol of cancer. Knowing the first symptoms of cancer could assist you higher to cure the disease.

Before relying on testing for answers, you are already gifted with a natural testing machine: your body. Listening closely to your body can provide you with some helpful hints on spotting diseases, like cancer, that you might otherwise overlook.

Signs to Look For

Indirect Symptoms

1. Wheezing/shortness of breath
One of the first signs many lung cancer patients remember noticing is the inability to catch their breath. Lung cancer patients remember noticing this as one of their first symptoms but didn’t initially connect it to cancer.

2. Frequent fevers or infections
This can be an indication of leukemia, a cancer of the blood cells that starts in bone marrow. It causes the marrow to produce abnormal white blood cells that hinder your body’s infection-fighting abilities.

3. Difficulty swallowing
Trouble swallowing is most commonly associated with esophageal or throat cancer, and is sometimes one of the first signs of lung cancer, too.

Most commonly associated with throat cancer, but can be a good indicator of lung cancer too.

4. Weakness and fatigue
Generalized fatigue and weakness is a symptom of so many different kinds of cancer that you'll need to look at it in combination with other symptoms. But any time you feel exhausted without explanation and it doesn't respond to getting more sleep, talk to your doctor.

Such a common symptom of cancer that it should be looked at in combination with other symptoms to determine which it is.

5. Feeling full and unable to eat
This is a sign of ovarian cancer. A loss of appetite even when you haven’t eaten for a while is a tip-off.

6. Anorexia
Could be an early sign of pancreatic cancer. A sudden disgust for coffee, wine or smoking can be linked to this as well.


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