8 Crucial Kidney-Failure Symptoms That Most People Ignore!

The kidneys are a pair of organs located in the back of the abdomen. Each kidney is about 4 or 5 inches long – about the size of a fist. They cleanse, or filter 120-150 quarts of blood every day. They are essential for every function in the body, and keep your blood stable.

Kidneys remove wastes, control the body’s fluid balance, and regulate the balance of electrolytes. As the kidneys filter blood, they create urine, which collects in the kidneys pelvis-funnel shaped structures that drain down tubes called ureters to the bladder.

Your health becomes threatened when the kidneys was damaged. In order to keep your body strong and healthy, it is important to recognize any signs of potential threat and potential damage of your kidneys. The most common symptoms of kidney damage are the following:

1. Swelling.
Kidney malfunction results in inability to remove excess fluids in the body, which causes swelling in face area, joints and limbs. Any unexpected swelling may indicate kidney failure

2. Changes in urination.
Changes in urination could be an early symptoms which indicate that there  is something wrong with your kidneys:

Trouble urinating and unexplained pressure
Your urine may conatin urine
Dark urine colour, less frequent urination in small amounts
Pale urine colour, frequent urination in large amounts
Foamy or bubby urine
You may urinate in the middle of the night

3. Skin rashes.
Kidney failure leads to waste build-ups, which causes skin rashes and severe itching. If the kidneys are not able to remove the waste from your blood, skins become irritated and dry due to waste   material accumulates in the blood. You can use creams and lotions to solve your skin issue.

4. Fatigue.
Healthy kidneys produce EPO or erythropoietin, this hormone is responsible for production of red blood cells that carry oxygen. Kidneys lead to a decreased number of red blood cells, and cause sort of a fatigue that affects brain and muscles. Eventually, this results to anemia.

5. Shortness of breath.
It may be a sign of kidney damage. The body lacks of oxygen due to the decrease number of blood cells that carry oxygen. The number of these blood cells is largely affected by harmful build-up in the lungs.

6. Metallic taste in the mouth.

It can make your food taste different and bad breath when waste accumulates in the blood, It could be a symptom of kidney damage if you notice a change in your food preferences or loss of appetite. .

7. Pain.
Kidney damage is also accompanied with pain in the upper back area or in the same area where the damaged kidney is set. Kidney stones and kidney infections usually cause spasms and severe pain.

8. Poor concentration and dizziness.
Poor flow of oxygen to the brain is a form of anemia that is associated with kidney damage. This can cause trouble with concentration issues, dizziness, and even memory loss.
Introduce some healthy dietary habits and eat more foods rich in antioxidants and nutrients. This will help you bring your kidney function at an optimal level. Watch the video below for some kidney-friendly foods.


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